This week Triumph & Disaster turns three. When we released this at the end of 2019 we obviously had no idea what was in store for the world at that point.

It’s now 2022 and we finally get to tour it. Four weeks until we play our first show overseas in 3 years and 5 years since we’ve been to Europe. Excitement and nerves are high. We really forgot how much planning goes into these things and we’ve all been running at full speed for months now trying to make it all fall into place. No small feat. Many thanks need to go to Mike at Bird’s Robe and Liam and Echelon for their work and maneuvering. Also to ourselves and our families. We’re not a full time band but it takes up all of our time anyway. Fitting weeks into days and hours into seconds. In any case, it’s shaping up to be an excellent time. We really hope to see you there.

Unless we get hit by that asteroid that is inevitably coming, we hope this tour marks the start of us getting back on the road more regularly and, with a little luck and a heap of patience from our partners and families, we will see you in your corner of the world at some point in the coming months and years. 2023/24 are already in the works. A new album is coming. Things move a bit slower than slow these days but we’ll get there.

Thanks for all your support over the years. Many more to come!